
Showing posts from November, 2017

11/3/17 Lesson 3: Fred with Living and Non-Living things

I'm a little behind on my teaching updates but on the third of November I went to Vineyard and taught again! This particular lesson, I decided to not do math and so we focused on living and non-living things. Now with this lesson what I did is I wrote a little story and incorporated some acting to it! I am supposed to focus mostly on music but I am trained in theatre and dance and all the art forms have so many things in common that I figured it wouldn't hurt to have them dress up and act! So I wrote a quick story about a third grade student named Fred who goes about his every day life interacting with living and non-living things. (I will post the story below). I had the blessed Nik Dorsey go get some fabric and foliage for the kiddos. I assigned several students a character or a part to play and had them get dressed. I then made two columns on the board: one for living and non-living. The class identified which "characters" fell under which category. The remaining...

Lesson 2- Multiplication and Wheat

So last Friday I went to Vineyard and taught again. I have to confess that this lesson did not go as smoothly but that's ok because it was bound to happen and I learned a lot! The kiddos were doing multiplication and there just so happens to be a song in one of my music ed books that has a song with multiplication already in it! This beloved song my friends is called "Wheavily Wheat". Inspirational, I know. ;) So what I did is I put the kids in groups of 4 and wrote 4 multiplication facts on the board multiplying by 6. What they were supposed to do was to walk in a circle to the beat while singing the song. then when it got to the multiplication facts, they turn in towards the middle of the circle and put their hands in the center to the beat. The kiddos were a little bit crazier today than they were in the past but in their defense it was Friday and they are in 3rd grade. They had a trouble keeping the beat and staying focused so I got a lot of good notes about what ...