11/3/17 Lesson 3: Fred with Living and Non-Living things
I'm a little behind on my teaching updates but on the third of November I went to Vineyard and taught again! This particular lesson, I decided to not do math and so we focused on living and non-living things. Now with this lesson what I did is I wrote a little story and incorporated some acting to it! I am supposed to focus mostly on music but I am trained in theatre and dance and all the art forms have so many things in common that I figured it wouldn't hurt to have them dress up and act! So I wrote a quick story about a third grade student named Fred who goes about his every day life interacting with living and non-living things. (I will post the story below). I had the blessed Nik Dorsey go get some fabric and foliage for the kiddos. I assigned several students a character or a part to play and had them get dressed. I then made two columns on the board: one for living and non-living. The class identified which "characters" fell under which category. The remaining...